Sunday, November 04, 2007

Time for an Update! November 4, 2007

Hi Everyone! I know, we have been terrible at keeping our blog up to date, however we vow to do better so don't give up on us. We made it through Scott's intern year in Roanoke, VA. (Perhaps not updating the blog for over a year can give you an idea of what the intern year was like.) We are now back in Rochester, MN and Scott is happily engaged in an Anesthesia residency. Caleb has now stopped asking why "Daddy just wears his pajama's and sleeps at the hospital" all of the time, because we are actually seeing him this year. No really, we are glad to be back in our home, the kids have grown so much in the past year and life is exciting.

We hope to keep you better informed in our day to day mundanes...hope everyone is enjoying the great fall season (we are starting to really miss Virginia right about now!)

The monkey and the Lady bug.
Paige rolling around in the leaves.
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Caleb dressed up like a monkey for Halloween. October 31st is the ONLY day of the year when Caleb asks US to hurry when walking around the neighborhood.
Yes, there is a boy in that monkey suit.
Paige was a ladybug for halloween. It didn't take long for her to pick up on the whole concept.
Enough pictures all ready. Let's go get some candy!!!
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On a rainy fall day we went to a nearby apple orchard to pick apples. Despite the wet conditions, we had a great time.
Paige does a lot of things just the way she wants to. For example, rather than just blowing dandylion seeds, she instead puts them into her mouth and then spits them out.
It's a bird, it's a plane, no it is Caleb soaring through the air while jumping into a pile of leaves.
Caleb has been asking for a mask so that he could dress up like a fireman. I tried to suggest that he looked like a doctor, but Caleb insisted that firemen wear masks.
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With the growing number of strollers, bikes, toys etc, it was time to build a shed. Two weeks behind schedule, we finally finished.

Paige hanging out in the back yard.

Caleb wants to be a fireman during the day and a dump truck driver at night when he grows up.

"I'm ready for church!!"
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