Sunday, February 19, 2006

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Posted by Picasa

Paige is up to 10.5 lbs (double her lowest weight of 5 lbs). Posted by Picasa

Attention all those out there reading this website. HELP!!! Mom and Dad have me working day and night. At first I thought it was all fun and games, but now they have me scrubbing the kitchen. There are laws against child labor aren't there? If I keep this up much longer, my trademark chubby cheeks will be a thing of the past.  Posted by Picasa

This little sister business is wearing me out. Mom and Dad keep whining about changing diapers, getting up in the middle of the night, and feeding Paige, but what about me... entertaining a two month old is not easy. I am so tired that I have to sneak naps during lunch time. Posted by Picasa

What a content little girl. She LOVES her mommy! Posted by Picasa

Cute cousins. Disclaimer: No harm was done to the infant on the right. Posted by Picasa

Paige looked beautiful in her white gown. Posted by Picasa

Our family on Paige's blessing day. Posted by Picasa